Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Two New Books from Dawn Publications

I just received the pdf's of two new books from Dawn Publications in my inbox. I am looking forward to reviewing them. Here's an excerpt below from the e-mail they sent me.

What’s in the Garden?              

by Marianne Berkes

Illustrated by Cris Arbo
Good food doesn’t begin on a store shelf with a box. It comes from a garden bursting with life, color, sounds, smells, sunshine, moisture, birds, and bees! Healthy food becomes much more interesting when children know where they come from. So what’s in the garden? Kids will find a variety fruits and vegetables, and a tasty, kid-friendly recipe for each one to start a lifetime of good eating. A "food for thought" section presents interesting facts about each fruit and vegetable, and a "how does your garden grow?" section explains facts about gardening and the parts of plants.
GARDN-P l  Paper l $8.95 l  ISBN 978-1-58469-190-7 l CASE QUAN: 50
GARDN-H l  Hard l  $16.95 l  ISBN 978-1-58469-189-1 l CASE QUAN: 25
Ages 4 to 9 l  32 pages l  fully illustrated l  9” x 11”


Noisy Bug Sing-Along               

Written & Illustrated by John Himmelman

Open your ears to the wonderful concert happening every warm day and night in our yards, fields, and woods nearby. Who are making those sounds? Can you sing along?

There’s a lot going on out there, and this book is a wonderful bridge to a whole noisy, busy world of insects. Learn who is making what sound, and why. In this book the reader is treated to scientifically accurate, up-close depictions of some very cool bugs. It explains why the bugs make the sounds they do, and how they do it—and it’s not with their voices! Plus the author offers several intriguing "bug games."
BUG-P l  Paper l $8.95 l  ISBN 978-1-58469-192-1 l CASE QUAN: 50
BUG-H l  Hard l  $16.95 l  ISBN 978-1-58469-191-4 l CASE QUAN: 25
Ages 4 to 9 l  32 pages l  fully illustrated l 9.5” x 9.5”